Sascha Schneider and other exchange students will be combating 2nd year Rodgers Harshbarger in a Battle Royale in the yet to be used Death Octagon currently under construction on the 5th floor of the McColl Building. The Battle Royale was initially scheduled to be between Rodgers and a number of KFBS guest speakers and professors who have taken issue with his ability to ask aggressive, yet inquisitive and thought provoking questions during lectures. At a press conference last week however, Rodgers indicated that the direction of the bout would be taking a “180” to address the disparity in the length of Rodgers’ shorts from those of current international MBA students.
Asked to describe the international shorts in question, Rodgers explained, “You know I don’t know if they’re long shorts or short pants. They kind of look like capris … either way, they’re un-American and I won’t stand for them. I mean, look at my short shorts and tell me they aren’t a tried and true American fashion statement. My shorts are almost reminiscent of Daisy Dukes, now what’s not American about that?”
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