Monday, March 26, 2007

Connolly Refuses to Reveal 'the Trick of It'

Much to the dismay of Professor Robert Connolly’s exiting first year students, Micro Econ adjourned without any revelation pertaining to the “trick” referred to regularly by the Professor during his class.

Confusion persisted after a full Module of Connolly preempting subject matter with the phrase, “The trick of it is…” followed by an explanation lost on much of the class.

“I mean, I really thought he was going to teach me some type of magic trick that would enhance my understanding of Marginal Revenue or a Demand Function in Q-Form,” indicated one 1st year KFBS MBA student, “but all he did was show another colorful slide and instruct us to hit it with a 'calculus stick.' Whatever that f*% that is!”

This 1st year's opinion seems to be representative of the KFBS first year class. However, many are still hopeful that they will receive a “P” when Connolly posts grades, presumably sometime in early 2009.

If nothing else, this represents that getting your MBA is not all fun and games. As one 1st year indicated “I never DID see that 'calculus stick' and, God willing, I hope I never do.”

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