Monday, March 26, 2007

Onyen Classic - MBA Horoscopes

Marketing - Your desire to take a job at Coke is predicated by your obsession with the drug trade. Wake up, buttercup, it’s not that kind of Coke!

Consulting - A lack of on-campus recruiting will lead you to expound on your accomplishments and drive for results to your peers. Be careful, they don’t care and it won’t help you get a job anyway.

Investment Banking - The stars predict that you will be visited by three ghosts next Christmas Eve, but unlike Scrooge, you will remain a money grubbing suit that thinks Christmas is a humbug. You might also have to wander the earth for eternity after you die, but at least all of your friends will be there too.

Industry Finance - The realization that you will be applying concepts that you learned in Jennifer Conrad’s class leads you to despair. Luckily, misery loves company so you will have about 90% of the MBA class sulking with you.

Sustainable Enterprise - You will be surprised when the tree hugs back. Too bad you happened to be hugging an evergreen; you will be picking pine needles out of your hair for weeks.

General Management - This week you will be neither general nor managerial. However, your lack of distinct goals will pay off when you find an extra basketball ticket.

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