Monday, March 26, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Local Chapel Hill High School to be Invited to KFBS Spring Formal

For the first time, the KFBS Spring Formal and the Chapel Hill High School Prom will be combined into a single event. While the details are still fresh, this announcement comes as no surprise to many close to the event merger. After a number of joint MBA & UNC Undergrad social functions, it has become apparent to many that the maturity level of the UNC undergrad population is a “real buzz kill” for many MBA students. One source who asked to remain anonymous explained the rationale behind the arrangement, “Undergrads these days just don’t know how to connect with our current MBA class. For instance, I asked an undergrad the other day about their favorite Laguna Beach character and they had to the gall to tell me Tessa. I mean, what the fuck!?! Right? Kyndra is by far the best.” Another anonymous source further summarized, “The bottom line is we feel that by consolidating these two functions we will be able to create some strong synergies between the two groups as we appear to have an awful lot in common.”

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