Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Top 10 Other CNN / Fortune Ranking Mistakes

  1. "Detroit" missing from list of Worst U.S. Cities
  2. "France" missing from list of Countries Most Likely to Surrender
  3. "Gettin' Da Herp" missing from Reasons to Avoid Player’s Night Club
  4. "Popped Collars" mising from list of Ways to Identify a Douche Bag
  5. "Breasts” missing from list of Things Guy’s Like to Look At
  6. "Zoomerang surveys" missing from Top Things in an MBA Student's Deleted Item's Folder.
  7. "Beef" missing from list of What's for Dinner.
  8. "That other school down the road" missing from list of Lame Ass References to Duke by Core Professors.
  9. "Time-out chicken" missing from Reasons I Got Shot.

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